Taking Every Precaution During Pandemic
PPC has implemented a very aggressive response to the COVID-19 crisis. Here are a few of the actions we’ve taken over the last month to keep our team members safe and ensure we continue meeting demand for facial tissue to help slow the spread of infections.
– Staggered shift start times and breaks
– Implemented required 6ft distancing between all personnel at all times. Added Plexiglas dividers where this distancing wasn’t easy to maintain.
– Changed pedestrian walkways to facilitate distancing
– Added additional hand wash stations and hand sanitizer in the plant
– Implemented additional internal and 3rd-party cleaning and sanitizing processes, including stopping production at the beginning and middle of each shift for sanitizing
– Providing weekly updates to all employees to help inform them and their families about COVID-19 mitigation
– Provided multiple masks to each employee
– Added supplemental pay as a thank you to our employees for their efforts during this challenging time
This is just a sample of what we’ve done. Our leadership team meets every few days to review our pandemic action plan and make updates. We’re constantly seeking input from our team members and external resources. We look forward to getting through these difficult times together.